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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you put food in a fridge, it ________ (Last) longer.
Britney _____ (go) home early, if she ______ (not/have) much work.
Will Go / Doesn't Have
If she _____ (feel) bad, I ______ (call) to the doctor.
Feels / Will Call
Is this sentence correct or incorrect? You'll be late if you will not leave soon.
Incorrect: You'll be late if you don't leave soon.
If you cool water to zero degrees, it ___________ (Form) ice.
Our teacher ______ (be) happy if we _____ (do) our homework.
Will be / Do
If John ________ (Feel) tired, he always ________ (Watch) TV to relax.
Feels / Watches
We always feel good when everything ______ (Be) ok.
If Messi _____ (play), we _______ (win) the match.
Plays / Will Win
She gets nervous when she __________ (Not Have) time to relax.
Doesn't Have
If it _______ (be) sunny today , we ________ (have) a picnic at the park.
Is / Will Have
When I get home late, I always _______ (Have) a cup of tea.
If you ______ (study) a lot, you _______ (pass) the exam
Study / Will Pass