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Are you smarter than a 5th grader?

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3/4 x 8/8 (< than, =, > than) 15/8
Equal to 15/8
Solve. 452 - 236.7 =
Solve. 795.3 + 39.78 =
Solve and Simplify. 5/6 x 2/3 =
Divide 345 by 69. What is the quotient?
Divide 358 by 17. What is the quotient?
21 R1
What is the volume of a kiddie swimming pool that is 20 meters long, 6 meters wide, and 2 meter deep. What is the volume of the pool?
240 cubic meters
258 x 49 =
12 horses share 9 apples. How much does each horse get?
9/12 of an apple or 3/4 of an apple for an extra 5 points
Solve and simplify. 15 x 3/5 =
What is the value of the 3 in 763,042?
In place value, what is the relationship between 50 and 0.5?
50 is 100 times greater than 0.5 OR 0.5 is 1/10 of 50
What are two intersecting lines that form right angles called?
perpendicular lines
8 students want to share 7 snacks. How much snack will each student get?
Not quite a whole snack, 7/8 of a snack
7 divided by 1/8 =
56 smaller pieces
3 x 9/8 (< than, =, > than) 3
Greater than
1/3 divided by 5 =
3/4 x 15/8 (< than, =, > than) 15/8
Less than 15/8
What is the first step of the order of operations?
What is 89.54 x 100?
What type of graph uses dots or x's to show different quantities?
line plot
What is the value of the 8 in 56,733,409.85
0.8 or 8/10 
What is 568.091 in expanded form?
5 x 100 + 6 x 10 + 8 x 1 + 9 x 1/100 + 1 x 1/1,000 OR 5 x 100 + 6 x 10 + 8 x 1 + 9 x 0.01 + 1 x 0.001
Fill in the blank. 0.7 _______ 0.70
The name of the point where the x-axis and y-axis INTERSECT is called the _____.
Solve. (7 + 8) x 4
In a line plot, this value is either much greater or much less than the other values in a data set.
A mathematical phrase that contains only digits and at least 1 operation is called an ___________.
Name an regular polygon that you have studied recently.
Equilateral triangle OR Square
This triangle has 2 equal sides and a 90 degree angle.
Isosceles, right triangle
Name 2 formulas for finding the volume of a rectangular prism.
Length x Width x Height and Base x Height
What is the first step in adding or subtracting unlike fractions?
Find the common denominator OR make equivalent fractions
Name TWO numbers that will round TO 56.4.
56.35, 56.36, 56.37, 56.38, 56.39, 56.40, 56.41, 56.42, 56.43, 56.44
What are easy, common fractions used for estimating, such as 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 called?
Benchmark fractions
This figure is formed by 2 rays that share a common endpoint.
an angle
When finding the volume of a rectangular prism, what is another name for the BASE?
area OR length x width