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Whe I was (at, in, on) college I was (at, in, on) a course that didn't do street dance.
at; on
That's why my heart lies (at, in, on) acting, because it's more structured.
When I'm not auditioning, I'm often rehearsing or reading through a script (at, in, on) home.
I'm an actor and I spend a lot of time auditioning for roles (at, in, on) the theatre and in films.
I started doing martial arts (at, in, on) shool and then went on to study (at, in, on) drama college.
at; at
You can waste a lot of time (at, in, on) a car (at, in, on) traffic jams.
in; in
The journey was a good one, and I met an old friend (at, in, on) the train.
Our next destination was Italy, where we spent a week (at, in, on) the seaside.
The seaside is the ideal place for a family holiday because children can swim (at, in, on) the sea as well as play (at, in, on) the beach.
in; on
Despite spending 2 hours a day commuting, I prefer living (at, in, on) the outskirts of London.
I was alone (at, in, on) home - my parents were (at, in, on) a party and my sister was (at, in, on) a friend's house.
at; at; at
I think that your cinema is the best (at, in, on) the world.
I am studying English (at, in, on) school so a spell in your country would be a great chance for me to improve.
Every year many people are injured (at, in, on) the roads because of bad driving.
Every Sunday we get up early and go for a walk (at, in, on) the mountains
The person (at, in, on) the back door is looking for the theatre manager.
They met each other (at, in, on) the party after the premiere of the film.
He was (at, in, on) the phone to his agent hoping she could get him a part (at, in, on) the new film.
He has posters of all his favourite stars (at, in, on) the walls of his bedroom.
She was really nervous when she first went (at, in, on) the stage.
I wish I had joined my friends (at, in, on) the festival this weekend.
We had to wait for ages (at, in, on) the queue to get the tickets for the performance.
They have band practice (at, in, on) the basement of his grandmother's house.
The new cinema will be built (at, in, on) the outskirts of the town.
She arrived for the audition (at, in, on) a taxi.
The last time I saw that talented young actor was on the stage (at, in, on) the Royal Shakespear Theatre.
I didn't set out early enough and got stuck (at, in, on) a traffic jam (at, in, on) the M25 ring road.
in; on
I saw several old friends and acquaintances (at, in, on) the festival.
He damaged his car quite badly because he didn't see the vehicle parked (at, in, on) the left until it was too late.
A lot of children are failing to achieve at school because they are spending too much time (at, in, on) their phones
There are lots of fortified castles (at, in, on) the border between Spain ad Portugal.
The facilities (at, in, on) that cruise ship are incredible.
She used to own a luxury villa (at, in, on) the outskirts of a medieval town.
All the cutlery is (at, in, on) the tray ready to be carried into the dining room.
The snake is reputed to be the most poisonous (at, in, on) the world.
They had to wait all afternoon (at, in, on) the queue for the opera tickets.
They waited patiently (at, in, on) the back door for him to come back.
We played football all day (at, in, on) the new pitch.
The criminals who burgled my flat will be (at, in, on) court tomorrow.
Their head office is (at, in, on) a prestigious part of the capital.
He kept all his rubbish (at, in, on) his attic rather than getting rid of it.
Over 200 guests were (at, in, on) the wedding reception.
In old spy films they often exchanged prisoners (at, in, on) the border.