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Ivan's Story

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the name of your English teacher?
Mrs. Neha Sharma
After spending time in the mall, what happened to Ivan?
It was adopted by a zoo.
Was Mud truly happy with his life with the humans?
For how many years, did Ivan stay in the mall?
27 years
The leader of the gorilla troop is known as _______________--
Who is the author of the story?
Katherine Applegate
The chapter is taken from the book, named __________
The One and Only Ivan
What happened to Tag?
It fell homesick and passed away
To what all places did Mud go with Mack and Helen?
Baseball games,grocery store and movie theatre
What is the meaning of swarmed?
How many gorillas were there in the troop in Central Africa?
Cramped means________
congested with mot much room to move
What is the one thing that the narrator of the story used the most to draw pictures?
What is the meaning of 'nimble'?
To be active
Scowl means ___________-
an angry look
Who is the speaker or narrator of the story?
Ivan or Mud
What do humans call a family of gorillas?
Mud was born in _____________
Central Africa
Mud has a twin sister and her name was __________
Who is Ivan?
A gorilla