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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name the game in which children find chocolate eggs in the garden
Easter egg hunt
Make 3 words from the letters in the word CHOCOLATE
Students own answers
Easter egg roll is a popular tradition in.... Buckingham Palace or The White House ?
A traditional Easer egg roll for children takes place at the White House
Which holiday is more important for Christians, Christmas or Easter?
Easter has more religious importance than Christmas
When is Palm Sunday?
Palm Sunday is a week before Easter Sunday.
What do people do on Wet Monday?
On Wet Monday people pour water on each other.
How many days are there in April
There are 30 days in April.
What do people in Poland eat at Easter?
People in Poland eat eggs, white borscht, Easter cakes (Easter "baba" cheesecake).
Name one star sign in April
The April star signs are Aries and Taurus
What animals is a symbol of Easter?
A bunny
What do you find in a Polish Easter basket ? Name 3 things.
Usually thee are eggs, bread, salt, pepper,sausage and some horseradish in a Polish Easter basket.
How many days does Lent last ?
40 days
What is "Good Friday" called in Polish ?
"Good Friday" is Wielki Piatek.
Easter is always celebrated in March. True or false ?
False. It's a moveable feasr it falls between March 22 and April 25.
What is the symbol of new life ?
An egg is a symbo of new life
What date is April Fool's Day ?
April 1
Whose return to life is celebrated at Easter?
Jesus Christ's
What are the colours of Easter ? Name 2
Easter colours are pastel colours: GREEN (nature,hope), YELLOW (happiness), PINKS (freshness), BLUE (peace and harmony)