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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She ... (play) football every day.
He ... (cry) sometimes.
He ... (wash) his hands before eating.
The sun ... (go) down in the evening.
It ... (work) in the afternoon.
She ... (say) she wants to go shopping.
She ... (run) in the evening.
He ... (watch) T.V. in the morning.
She ... (leave) school at 3:15 in the afternoon.
He ... (love) ice cream.
... he like jazz music? No, he ...
Does he like jazz music? No, he doesn't.
... they sing well? No, they ...
Do they sing well? No, they don't.
... Mary sleep a lot? No, she ...
Does Mary sleep a lot? No, she doesn't.
... your parents work? Yes, they ...
Do your parents work? Yes, they do.
... you like basketball? Yes, I ...
Do you like basketball? Yes, I do.
His sister ... go to school. (negative)
His sister doesn't go to school.
His grandparents ... play computer games. (negative)
His grandparents don't play computer games.
His sister ... get up early. (negative)
His sister doesn't get up early.
His parents ... speak French. (negative)
His parents don't speak French.
His brother ... play tennis. (negative)
His brother doesn't play tennis.
Tony ... like spiders. (negative)
Tony doesn't like spiders.