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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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That book is really interesting. I recommend that book to everyone.
That book is really interesting. I recommend it to everyone.
My sister has a really cute cat. When I go to her house I give the cat lots of treats.
My sister has a really cute cat. When I go to her house I give it lots of treats.
I saw Tim and Ben at the mall. I invited Tim and Ben to the party.
I saw Tim and Ben at the mall. I invited them to the party.
My aunt lives in Toronto but she often comes to visit my family and me.
My aunt lives in Toronto but she often comes to visit my us.
Suzy and I paid for the meal but the waiter forgot to bring Suzy and me the food.
Suzy and I paid for the meal but the waiter forgot to bring us the food.
I really liked the cake. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to finish the cake.
I really liked the cake. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to finish it.
John is a really nice guy. I like John a lot
John is a really nice guy. I like him a lot
Where was Sarah? I didn’t see Sarah at the party last week.
Where was Sarah? I didn’t see her at the party last week.
John likes computer games but he doesn’t play computer games very often.
John likes computer games but he doesn’t play them very often.
I saw Mr. Brown this morning and gave Mr. Brown my homework.
I saw Mr. Brown this morning and gave him my homework.