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The Easter / United Kingdom quiz

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DRAW: The Easter Bunny!
Who has the best drawing?
SPELL: the capital of England
Who is this famous British actress?
Emma Watson
What do 76% of people eat first when they eat a chocolate bunny?
The ears
How tall is the world’s tallest Easter Egg?
10.39 meters
Easter happens on the same date each year – True or False?
What is the Sunday before Easter called?
Palm Sunday
In which country did the Easter bunny originate?
Which century did the Easter bunny first exist – 16th 17th or 18th?
Which country made the world’s biggest Easter Egg?
What day of the week do people usually celebrate Easter?
What does the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland always carry?
A pocket watch.
What food do people usually eat on Good Friday?
What animal is usually associated with Easter?
The Easter bunny
How many Easter eggs are eaten each year in the UK?
80-90 million
Easter is always in which two months of the year?
March & April
What are these? People in the UK eat them at Easter.
Hot Cross Buns
MAP: London
Here it is!
Prince Charles
Which British city hosted the 2012 Summer Olympic Games?
Who is this? (his name or his job)
Boris Johnson, Prime Minister
GUESS: How many cups of tea are drunk every day in the UK?
100 million
GUESS: What is the value of these coins?
1 pound 77 pence
DRAW: the Spice Girls
Here they are!
DRAW: Scotland's most famous monster
It's Nessie! (or The Loch Ness Monster)
DRAW: a typical London bus
Like this!
LIST: English speaking countries
UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa...
LIST: British / American English differences
Example: rubber (BrE) / eraser (AmE)
Great Britain
What is the national flower of England?
The Tudor rose
LIST: English football teams
Too many to even start!
MAP: Manchester
Here it is!
MAP: Aberdeen
Here it is!
MAP: Belfast
Here it is!
GUESS: when is Bonfire Night?
November 5th
GUESS: How many people live in the UK?
67 million (2020)
What is the capital of Wales?
GUESS: what is a kilt?
The skirt worn by Scottish men
GUESS: what is Ben Nevis?
The highest mountain in the UK
LIST: famous London landmarks
Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, London Eye, Buckingham Palace
SPELL: the capital of Scotland
DRAW: a traditional English breakfast
Bacon, sausages, egg, mushrooms, tomato, beans, toast/fried bread.
DRAW: the flag of the UK. BONUS: what is its name?
The Union Flag / Union Jack
RACE: which four countries make up the UK?
England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland
LIST: Who are they? Can you name them all?
The Beatles. John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison