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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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what is a marshmellow peep?
a marshmellow shaped as a chick or bunny
Where did the tradition of decorating eggs start?
Why is Easter called Easter?
Because of Eoster, the Goddess of Fedrtility and Light
Why does Easter fall on different dates each year?
because it depends on the lunar calendar
New Yorkers do this on Easter Sunday
Easter Bonnet Parade
The US President invites kids to the White House and they have an
Ester Egg Roll Race
Where is the Easter bunny originally from?
What 2 months can Easter fall in?
March and April
What vegetable do kids leave out for the Easter Bunny?
Approximately 76% of people eat which part of a chocolate Easter bunny first?
the ears
What part of your body would you wear an Easter bonnet on?
on your head
Name 3 shapes you can paint on an Easter egg
zigzag lines, wavy lines, dots, stars,flowers,spirals
Is Eater on a Saturday?
No, it is on a Sunday
Name 3 Easter symbols
bunnies, chicks, eggs, flowers, lambs
You go on an ......... to collect the eggs
Easter egg hunt
You eat these for Easter. The Easter bunny brings them to you
chocolate eggs
they hatch from eggs
You collect the eggs here