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Discussing parenthood

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When you d... a child it's important that they understand why.
I t... my children. I'm sure they'll always do the right thing.
Parents who n... their children should be punished by the authorities.
My dad would often t... me off when I was young, but I knew he loved me.
She cries all the time. It's amazing how such a small person can be so n...
I find looking after one child e... so I just don't know how you manage with three.
You need to p... children when they behave well.
It's amazing how many parents s... their children, buying them everything they want.
Single-parent families must find it really c... looking after a young child.
I have to c... them all the time. You never know when they might get into trouble.
check up on
It's not easy b... three young children.
bringing up
The first time I saw his tiny hands and feet I almost cried. The birth of your first child is always so m...
Up at five, feed, change the nappy, then sleep for an hour before starting over again! It's just r...
When your child takes their first step it's just a...