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Name three animals that sting
bees, wasps/hornets, scorpions, some beetles, stingray, jellyfish, etc.
Name three things in a playground
swingset, slide, sandbox, monkey bars, blacktop, field, jungle gym, see saw, merry-go-round, climber, etc.
Name 3 potato chip flavours
barbecue, chicken, salt and vinegar, sour creem and onion, plain (salt), etc.
Name 3 animals that are typically black and white
zebras, panda bears, penguins, orca whale, dalmatian dog, etc.
Name 3 things you only do at night
pushups, situps, jumping jacks, planks, weight lifiting, kickboxing, hiking, running, pilates, yoga, aerobics, etc.
Name 3 cold countries
Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Malta, Taiwain, Bahrain, Cuba,  the United Kingdom, Trinidad and Tobago
Name 3 sports where we use a racket
tennis, cricket, baseball, badminton, squash, padel, ping pong, etc.
Name 3 things you can't do in the dark
hairbrush, comb, curling iron, flat iron, hairdryer, curlers, etc. 
Name 3 Disney villains
Cruella de Vil, Ursula, Scar, Maleficent, Jafar, Gaston, The Evil Queen, Hades, Yzma, Shere Khan, Captain Hook, etc.
Name 3 things you can do with a po
hockey, basketball, tennis, netball, lacrosse, soccer, field hockey, volleyball, badminton, pickleball,  ping pong
Name 3 sports played on ice
ice hockey, curling, broomball, figure skating, etc.
Name 3 desserts
cookies, cake, doughnuts etc
Name 3 thinfs you can do on holiday
trainers, sandals, boots, flip flops, crocs, loafer
Name 3 places you can eat at
Restaurant, cafe, school, home
Name 3 animals that live somewhere hot
jaguar, poisom dart frogs, capybara, sloths, anacondas, okapi, lemurs, spider monkeys, toucans, orangutangs, parrots, macaws, mountain gorilla, butterflies, etc
Name 3 devices that tell time
clock, watch, alarm clock, sun dial, chronometer, sand glass, obelisk, etc
Name 3 animals with sharp teeth
elephant, lion, camel, horse, cow, blue whale, orca whale, whale shark, bear, mooser, giraffe, ox, rhinoceros, camel, hippo , etc.
Name 3 flowers
rose, orange blossom, lily, freesia, gardenia, lavender, lilac, jasmine, frangipani, wisteria, hyacinth, honeysuckle, daphne, etc.
Name 3 fruits that grow on trees
apples, oranges, lemons, limes, apricosts, cherries, peaches, nectarines, pears, plums, pomegranate, mangoes, grapefruits, coconuts, persimmons, etc.
Name 3 things you wear/use when it's raining
umbrella, rain boots, rain jacket, waterproof/weather resistant pants, poncho, gaiters, backpack cover, etc. 
Name 3 animals that have no legs
sloth, monkeys, koalas, squirrels, some pythos, some nsails, chameleons, lizards, some bats, etc.
Name 3 vegetables where the part you eat grows underground
carrots, turnip, radish, sweet potato, beet, turnip, onion, rutabaga, parsnip, horseradish, etc.
Name 3 things made of plastic
snow, rain, sleet, hail, drizzle
Name 3 types of lego
Honda, Citroen, Ford, Mitsubishi, Kia, Land Rover, Mercedes Benz, BMW, Volkswagen, Fiat, Opel, Volvo, Dodge, Jeep, Chevrolet, Maserati, Rolls Royce
Name 3 Famous Cities
Statue of Liberty, Michaelangelo's David, Easter Island heads, Venus de Milo, Christ the Redeemer, The Little Mermaid, The Thinker, The Terracotta Army
Name 3 animals that mainly move on two legs
ostrich, kangaroo, wallaby, flamingo, emu, gibbon, penguin, human
Name 3 jobss where you have to wear a uniform at work
police officer, clown, professional athletes, firefighter, mailperson, sfastfood worker, nurses, lifeguards, janitors, secuirty guards, flight attendants, etc.
Name 3 baby animals
piglet, pony, puppy, kitten, calf, chick, kid, colt, cub, cygnet, duckling, fawn, fledgling, joey, larva, tadpole, etc.