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Name Four Things

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 4 things you do with a potato.
Cut it, fry it, eat it, throw it, slice it, chop it, smash it, boil it, bake it...
Name 4 things made of plastic
Multiple answers...
Name 4 red fruits.
Apples, strawberries, cherries, watermelons, raspberries, pomegranates...
Name 4 means of transport.
Bus, taxi, car, bike, motorbike, plane, train, underground...
Name 4 things that are hot.
Sun, lightbulb, oven, fire...
Name 4 rooms in the house.
Bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom, dining room, study...
Name 4 classroom items.
Desk, chair, pencil, pen, book, projector, stapler, paper, pencil case, glue...
Name 4 pieces of furniture.
Sofa, chair, table, cupboard, desk...
Name 4 animals that can fly.
Bird, bat, fly, bee, mosquito, parrot, butterfly...
Name 4 subjects at school.
Math, english, catalan, p.e., music, spanish, chemistry, physics...
Name 4 family members.
Mum, dad, brother, sister, grandad, grandma, cousin, aunt, uncle, nephew....
Name 4 fruits starting with the letter P.
Pear, papaya, passion fruit, pomegranate, pineapple, pomelo, peach, plum...
Name 4 verbs in the past simple form.
Multiple options..
Name 4 weather conditions.
Snowy, stormy, rainy, sunny, foggy, windy, cloudy...
Name 4 uncountable nouns.
Flour, air, water, oil, sand, salt, sugar, milk, honey, bread, money...
Name 4 places in a city.
Bank, hospital, school, townhall, park, fire station, police station, cinema, supermarket..
Name 4 clothing.
Skirt, shirt, t-shirt, shocks, blouse, dress, shorts, trousers, jeans, jacket....
Name 4 pets.
Cat, dog, bird, goldfish, parrot, rabbit, frog, hamster, snake...
Name 4 pizza toppings.
Pepperoni, sausage, meatballs, onions, mushrooms, peppers, pineapples, bacon, aubergines...
Name 4 winter sports.
Skiing, sledding, ice skating, snowboarding, ice hockey...
Name 4 continents.
North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia (Oceania), Antarctica...
Name 4 reptiles.
Lizard, turtle, snake, alligator, crocodile, gecko, iguana, chameleon...
Name 4 organs found in the human body.
Heart, lungs, stomach, liver, skin, kidneys, brain, intestine, pancreas...
Name 4 parts of a computer.
Keyboard, screen, monitor, cpu, hard drive, mouse, motherboard, memory...