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Talking about the future

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She ____ (move) tomorrow. She ___ (call) you if she needs you.
She is moving tomorrow. She will call you if she needs you.
I haven't decided yet, but I think I ____ (choose) a major related to science.
I haven't decided yet, but I think I will choose a major related to science.
What ______ (wear) at the party tonight?
What are you wearing / are going to wear at the party tonight?
They _____ (drive) to New York tomorrow morning.
They are driving / are going to drive to New York tomorrow morning.
Today, my father ____ (plan) to pick up my sister after her class ____ (end). He ______ (meet) her across the street near the ice cream shop.
Today, my father plans to pick up my sister after her class ends. He is going to meet her across the street near the ice cream shop.
What scientists are expecting is that the rocket ______ (have) enough power to be launched on time.
What scientists are expecting is that the rocket will have enough power to be launched on time.
The spacecraft ______ (lift-off) at noon. The astronauts _____ (arrive) at the International Space Station probably in 17 hours.
The spacecraft lifts-off at noon. The astronauts will arrive at the International Space Station probably in 17 hours.
The evening class _______ (start) at 2:30 pm. We ____ (take) a taxi to be on time.
The evening class starts at 2:30 pm. We are taking / are going to take a taxi to be on time.