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Afternoon On The Amazon Chapters 4-6 Vocabulary  ...

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If something moves on top of water, does it float or fly?
It floats.
If you throw something hard do you hold it, or hurl it?
You hurl it.
If something thumps you, does it hit you or does it kiss you?
It hits you.
Is a screech a low quiet sound, or a high and noisy sound?
It's a high and noisy sound.
If you look at something with horror, are you scared or excited?
You're scared.
Do you use puddles or paddles to row a boat or a canoe?
If something is 'razor-sharp', it is easy or difficult to use it to cut things?
It's very easy.
Are long, strong plants that grow in the rainforest called vines or wines?
If you flee something, do you run towards it, or run away from it?
You run away from it.
Is a crackling sound a long, smooth sound, or lots of short sounds close together?
Lots of short sounds close together
If something is camouflaged is it easy to see, or difficult to see?
Difficult to see
If can stand on one leg, do you have good balance or good luck?