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Spain in the 20th century

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What does 'Caudillo' mean?
It means leader
Juan Carlos I became king of Spain
During 1970s / In 1975
Who was Carrero Blanco killed by?
He was killed by ETA
When was Carrero Blanco killed?
In 1973
Tourism started to develop
During 1960s
Living conditions were hard and people were very poor
During 1940s-1950s
What was the Falange?
The only legal political party during Franco's dictatorship
Which were the three pillars of Franco's dictatorship?
The military, the Catholic church and the Falange
What happened after the Civil War?
Francisco Franco established a right-wing dictatorship
How did the CIvil War ended?
When the Nationalists took control of Madrid
How long was the Civil War?
It lasted 3 years
When did the Civil War start?
In 1936
Where did the Spanish Civil war start?
In Spanish Morocco
What happened in 1931?
The Second Republic was proclaimed
When did Primo de Rivera resign?
In 1930
What happened in 1923?
Primo de Rivera started a dictatorship
How was the period from 1874 to 1923 called?
The Restoration
Who was the king of Spain during the beginning of the 20th century? (From 1920 to 1931)
Alfonso XIII