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"Naomi will buy a train ticket tomorrow." Find the adverb of time
"The cats sleep outside every night." Find the adverb of place
"I go to school daily." Find the adverb of time
Adverb of good
My  mom is happy. She ______ sings a song.
She __________ shows her mom her test with high score. A. proudly B. sadly C. awfully
A. proudly
Give 5 adverbs
Teacher checks
Nancy is careful. She __________ puts all the dishes into the cupboard.
C. carefully
He speaks ___________. Which ones are correct? A. loud B. loudly C. slowly D. quieter E. quietly
B. loudly C. slowly E. quietly
Adverb of immediate
The thieve is quiet. He _________ climbed over the wall.
C. quietly
Dad bought him a puppy on Christmas Day. He yelled ___________ A. cheerfully B. tiredly C. sadly
A. cheerfully
The dog bit his legs. He cried ___________. A. painfully B. beautifully C. happily
A. painfully
Adverb of peaceful
Adverb of fast
Jay __________ shout at the baby because she broke his toy. A. happily B. angrily C. joyfully
B. angrily
Denis was late this morning. He ran very __________ to school. A. fast B. fastly C. fastest
A. fast
John fell off the stairs because he walked ___________. A. carefully B. lovely C. carelessly
C. carelessly
Adverb of sudden
Adverb of short
Adverbs usually go with ................ A. Nouns B. Verbs C. Preposition
B. Verbs