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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I often go to the park ______ the afternoon but never ______ night.
in / at
I think they live _____ a building _____ 1520 Sedgwick Avenue.
in / at
-Where were you? - I was _____ school, _____ the classroom, sitting _____ my desk.
at / in / at
- Why weren't you _____ the party? - I was _____ my friend's place, watching a movie.
at / at
- What do you want to do _____ the future? - _____ a year or two, I hope to work as an engineer.
in / in
- Why does she always call _____ dinnertime? - I know, it's really annoying.
Were you there _____ your birthday?
I think they're on vacation _____ the beach _____ California.
at / in
Let's meet _____ the bus stop _____ around 3 pm.
at / at
My birthday is _____ summer. It's _____ July, _____ the 27th.
in / in / on
I'm sorry, but she's busy _____ the moment.
I saw it _____ TV last night.
We arrived _____ the airport _____ Dakar _____ about 6 o'clock.
at / in / at
What did you do _____ New Year's Eve?
He got there _____ 9 o'clock _____ Thursday.
at / on
He got _____ the bus.