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Expert CPE - U1

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Molly HAD BEEN HOPING/HAS HOPED to make a career in film but her father wouldn't let her.
had been hoping
George and Dave HAVE BEEN COLLABORATING/COLLABORATED for four years before setting up their own Light and Sound studio.
Alice works at Pixar, and so far HAS BEEN WORKING/HAS WORKED on five major animated movies.
has worked
A preview performance of Richard Beecham's new play at the Barbican theatre IS TO BE SHOWN/IS SHOWING on Friday.
is to be shown
Helena WAS TRAINING/TRAINED to be a ballet dancer when an accident put an end to her dreams.
was training
David's debut performance as Hamlet was magnificent. Until then, he WAS ONLY EVER PERFORMING/HAD ONLY EVER PERFORMED in minor roles.
had only ever performed
The Londons Symphony Orchestra, which WAS PERFORMING/HAS BEEN PERFORMING at the Royal Albert Hall since May, is giving its final concert this evening.
has been performing
Sally IS STUDYING/STUDIES graphic art and hopes to become a set designer.
is studying