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All about birds

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name this bird. (a pelican or a swan)
It's a pelican.
Name this bird. (a turkey or a peacock)
It's a turkey.
Name this bird. (a vulture or an eagle)
It's a vulture.
Name this bird. (a seagull or a vultar)
It's a seagull.
Name this bird. (a toucan or a parrot)
It's a toucan/ˈtuː.kæn/.
Name this bird. (a crane or a flamingo)
It's the cranes.
Name this bird. (an ostrich or a cassowary /ˈkæs.ə.wer.i/ )
It's a cassowary.
Name this bird. (an emu or an ostrich)
It's an emu.
Name this bird. (a quail or a rooster)
It's a quail.
Name this bird. (a kiwi bird or a woodpecker)
It's a woodpecker.
Name this bird. (a hummingbird or a woodpecker)
It's a hummingbird.
Other chicks are ready to run around and eat the same day they hatch out.
True True True
Some birds hatch blind and featherless, and need to be fed and kept warm by their parents.
Yah, that's true.
What do birds eat?
Birds eat many different types of food. Some eat insects, some eat fish, some eat meat and some eat seeds, fruit or nectar.
There are more than 10,000 species of birds in the world. (TRUE OR FALSE)
Yah, that's true!
Are there any birds that live on or near the ocean, feeding on fish and other marine life?
Yes, there are.
Are there any birds that live in the hot desert?
Yes, there are.
Are there any birds that live on the frigid Antarctic?
Yes, there are.
What do all birds have?
All birds have 2 legs, wings, feathers and a beak or bill.
Birds and mammals are warm-blooded. (body temperature stays the same when it's hot or cold outside)
It's true.
Birds are vertebrates, which means they have backbones. (TRUE OR FALSE)
It's true.
Birds are a _____ (large/ small) group of animals.
Birds are a large group of animals.