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Y2 Family and Fruits

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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8,Please read: cǎoméi shì hóngsède, xiāngjiāo shì huángsè de.
cǎoméi shì hóngsède, xiāngjiāo shì huángsè de.
7, Please read: chéngzi shì chéngsè de.
chengzi shi chengse de.
6, Please translate: jiejie xihuan xiangjiao. wo xihuan  putao。
Big sister likes to eat bananas, I like to eat grapes.
5, Translate: baba buxihuan chi xigua, ta xihuan chi mangguo.
Dad doesn't like to eat watermelon, he likes to eat mango.
4, What is 水果
3, What is 苹果?
2, Please read: xigua ,pingguo, xiangjiao, putao, chengzi
xigua ,pingguo, xiangjiao, putao, chengzi
1, Please read: baba xihuan chi caomei。
baba xihuan chi caomei。