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Adventures vocabulary

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A book that explains an area, a city, a country...
A guidebook
Something you use to start a fire (not matches).
A lighter
Something you use to cut and that you fold to put away.
Pocket knife
You put it below your sleeping bag.
Sleeping mat or sleeping pad
A vehicle people use to go camping. You sleep in it.
Caravan (motorhome)
Something you use to start a fire. There are many of them together in a box.
A match, matches.
You use this to watch things that are very far with your two eyes.
A tool you use to cut wood (not a knife).
An axe
A spray you use against mosquitoes or spiders.
Insect repellent
You use it on your skin after too much sun.
You use it to protect your eyes from too much light.
A piece of paper to find your way and spot places.
A map
You use it to see in the night.
A torch (BrE), a flashlight (AmE)
You make it to keep warm at night.
You use it to find the north.
You use it to carry water when you go on an excursion. Not a bottle.
waterflask or canteen
Object in which you sleep when you are camping.
Sleeping bag
Object where you carry all your belongings when you are hiking.
Backpack, rucksack.
You put it on your head to protect it when you are riding a bike or climbing a mountain.
"Mosquetón" in English
"Tienda de campaña" in English
"Harnés" in English
How do you say "Botas" in English?