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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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attack dog, mosquito, crocodile, shark, snakes
things that bite
scissors, razor, arrowhead, pin
things that are sharp
rabbit, kangaroo, grasshopper,
things that hop
elevator, hot air balloon, stairs, airplanes
things that go up
garbage, skunk, car exhaust, cigarette smoke
things that smell bad
ton of bricks, elephant, semi truck, boulders
things that are heavy
firewood, paper, match
things that burn
lamp, sun, flashlight, glow stick
things that light up
rock concert, screaming mob, sirens, dogs barking
things that are loud
snow, vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, milk
things that are white
wood, raft, inner tube, boat
things that fload
rubber band, elastic, suspenders
things that stretch
fur coat, diamond ring, new home
things that are expensive
sandpaper, beard stubble, cat's tongue
things that are rough
towel, tissue, napkin,
things you can wipe your hands on
perfume, cologne, baking cake, flowers
smell good
banana, school bus, sun, lemon
things that are yellow
train, jet, airplane,
things that go fast
ant, penny, thumb tack,
small things
heater, fire pit, light bulb, sun
things that are hot
lamp, tv, vacuum, microwave,
things you plug in