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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I've been awake for two days finishing this work. I'm so tired, I'm ....
... running on fumes.
Take responsibility and be accountable. Don't just ...
... pass the buck.
Yikes! The president ranted at the reporters in a way that sounded totally ...
... unhinged.
It's really difficult to know what the real truth is nowadays because of government and media ...
... gaslighting.
When he dumped her she didn't handle it well. In fact, she had ...
... a complete meltdown.
He's so resilient. A real survivor because he always manages to ...
... pull himself up by his bootstraps.
OK right, but what does it actually mean? Can you .....
...put it in layman's terms?
Times are tough so everyone is ... and avoiding luxuries.
... tightening the purse strings
I am completely knackered so I'll just ....
... hit the sack!
Whether or not we need visas is ..... There are no flights going anywhere.
... a moot point.
We can still change our plans. Nothing is ....
....etched in stone.
He's attracted to her so it's ..... his judgement.
.... clouding ...
I need some change in my life so I don't ... and die of boredom.
....get stuck in a rut.
Now is a good time to ....... and decide what's really important in your life.
... take stock ...
When their team scored in the final minute, .... It's was complete chaos.
... all hell broke loose.
My project is done! Now it just needs ....
some polish. I'll put the finishing touches and submit it.
Launching this new product is very exciting but first we have to ....
...do all the legwork. Tedious but necessary.
Looks like you ....... Take it one step at a time and you'll get it done.
...bit off more than you can chew.
Don't just .............. ! Follow your own mind.
... jump on the bandwagon.
John offered to do the presentation at the meeting so we ....
...are off the hook. Phew!
No use worrying about how we'll fly internationally with masks and gloves. We'll ...
... cross that bridge when we get to it.
I heard you. Now let me see what you can do about it.
Put your money where your mouth is.
Don't just say it, do it!
Actions speak louder than words.
..... but ..... ! Better luck next time.
Close but no cigar!