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Comparison with adverbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(-) She plays the flute (beautifully) her teacher
less beautifully than
He plays the guitar (=, often) he plays the drums.
as often as
When my dad plays guitar, his hands move (+, fast) mine do.
faster than
Do you sing (=, badly) your sister?
as badly as
He listens to classical music (-, often) he listens to rock.
less often than
She can play the violin (+, well) she can play the piano.
better than
(=) I like being in the jazz band (well) being in the orchestra
as well as
(-) She plays piano on Sundays, but I play every day. She plays (often) I do.
less often than 
(-) When he dances, his feet move (fast) mine.
less fast than 
(+) My dad sings (loudly) anyone else in the family.
more loudly than 
(=) Like me, my sister practices piano every day. She practices (hard) I do.
as hard as
(+) He can’t sing very well. He sings (badly) I do.
worse than 
(+) I like pop music (well) I like rock.
better thanÂ