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13 Colonies

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which of the following was the first permanent English settlement of North America? (Plymouth-----Youngstown ------ Massachusetts Bay --------- Jamestown)
What did boys and girls learn in New England?
The children learned how to read the Bible.
The climate and geography in the Southern Colonies was perfect for... (farming------growing cash crop------shipbuilding--------fishing)
Growing cash crop
What (job) led to the need of increasing enslaved people in Southern Colonies?
Sugar plantation
The two main trades(jobs) in the New England Colonies were . .
Shipbuilding and fishing
Which of the following did the New England consist of? (Maine, Virginia, Maryland, New Hampshire, Connecticut , Carolina, New Jersey, Rhode Island)
Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut , Rhode Island
What colony is shown by #2?
Rhode Island
What was the soil like in the New England Colonies?
Extremely rocky, which made it difficult to grow crops.
Which two groups settled New England?
Puritans and Pilgrims
What was the document that established Plymouth Colony's form of government?
The Mayflower Compact
What is the main reason that Europeans started the colonies in North America?
To practice their religions freely.
What region relied on shipbuilding?
New England Colonies
The Southern colonies depended on cash crops to make a living. What were the three main cash crops in the south?
The colonies in yellow belong to what region?
The New England