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When Will it be Spring?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do we call it when bears sleep all winter?
What does "bleary eyes" mean?
tired, half closed etc.
What are some things you can do in the spring time?
Take a walk, ride a bike, plant flowers, yard work, fly a kite etc.
Make up a sentence using the word finally.
Make up a sentence using the word spring.
What rhymes with flower?
power, sour, hour
What rhymes with bear?
care, hair, where, dare etc.
What season comes before winter?
What season comes after spring?
Tell me 2 signs of spring?
birds outside, flowers starting to grow, leaves starting to grow on trees, warmer weather, worms and other bugs, grass turning greener
What was Alfie doing in the flowers and why?
He was sleeping because he had been awake most of the winter.
In the end, mom couldn't find Alfie. Where was he?
In the flowers.
Why was a tiny stream of water tricking through the cave?
Because it was almost spring and the snow and ice were melting.
Alfie woke up and thought he saw the sun but it was really...
hunters' fires
Alfie thought he heard the birds singing in the trees but it was really the...
wind whistling through the branches
Alfie thought he saw birds in the trees but they were really...
Alfie thought he saw a big gray butterfly but it was really a ...
What did Alfie keep asking his mother?
When will it be spring?
Alfie thought he saw white butterflies but they were really ...
What are the four seasons?
Winter, spring, summer, fall
What season is it at the end of the book?
What season is it at the beginning of the book?