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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tell me about a trip to a place you went to and returned from.
Tell me about a challenge you have faced and how you resloved it.
Tell me about something you would like to achieve in life.
Tell me about something you have achieved in life.
Yet?/since/have/been/so far/haven’t/yet/already/ Husband: Shall I help you with the cooking? Wife: Thanks, but I have ______________ done it.
Yet?/since/have/been/so far/haven’t/yet/already/     Wife: Have you sent out the invitation cards yet? Husband: I ______________ sent 568 _______ __________ . I have to send three more.
have / so far
Yet?/since/have/been/so far/haven’t/yet/already/ Girl: Ooty is a very beautiful place. Boy: I haven’t ______________ there.
Yet?/since/have/been/so far/haven’t/yet/already/   Wife: What are you looking for? Husband: I ______________ lost my keys.
Yet?/since/have/been/so far/haven’t/yet/already/ Father: Why are you still at home? Daughter: School has not started ______________.
Yet?/since/have/been/so far/haven’t/yet/already/ Brother: What have you done _______  ______ this morning? Sister: I have written five letters.
so far
Yet?/since/have/been/so far/haven’t/yet/already/              Wife: Shall we leave?  Husband: Wait! I ______________ had my breakfast yet.
Yet?/since/have/been/so far/haven’t/yet/already/                     Boss: have you booked the flight ______________ Secretary: Yes, I have, but I ______________ got the tickets yet.
Yet? / Haven't