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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How long _______ (you , know) Sarah?
have you known
Open the door for me, _____?
will you?
We never talk about _____ topics with my friends. (so / such)
She ______ her grandma again.
has visited
How long ____ you _____ for me?
have you been waiting
I _______ (cycle) for hours, so my legs really hurt.
have been cycling
Let's dance, _____?
shall we?
She is ____ lucky! She met Brad Pitt yesterday. (so / such)
When Carol _____ (get off) the bus, it _______ (snow).
got ott - was snowing
Jack ______ (walk) his dog when he _____ (see) you.
was walking - saw
When I _____ home, mum ________ a cake.
arrived - was baking
We________ (talk) for hours. We ________ (not see) each other for a while.
have been talking / haven't seen
I __________ (hurt) my knee really badly.
have hurt
Mum _________ (already do) the shopping
has already done
We ______________ (sit) here for half an hour. How long are we supposed to wait?
have been sitting
I have never met_______ clever man!
such a
You are ________ clown! (so / such)
such a
She's never been to Africa,_____?
has she?
You didn't buy any books, ____?
did you?
We have two teachers,_____?
don't we?