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G1A 5/30 A Special day for Victor
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Me and my family take a road tr__ tog______ in the car.
Me and my family take a road trip together in the car.
We share id___s tog_______ when we are in work.
We share ideas together when we are in work.
Me and my gr____ of friends like to sh____ a pizza to_______.
Me and my group of friends like to share a pizza together.
This pl____ is called a car pa__.
This place is called a car park.
This p____ is called a p____
This place is called a park.
This pl____ is called a ci_____.
This place is called a cinema.
There are so many people in this pl____. It is so b___.
There are so many people in this place. It is so busy.
I have so many things to do today. I am so b____.
I have so many things to do today. I am so busy.
I am so lonely and bored today. I have an i___. Me and my gr___ of friends can go to the park tog______.
I am so lonely and bored. I have an idea. Me and my group of friends can go to the park together.
My car won't start. Aha! I have an i___. I'll take it to the mechanic.
My car won't start. Aha! I have an idea. I'll take it to the mechanic.
I don't drink coffee with a gr____ of friends. I'm so lonely!
I don't drink coffee with a group of friends. I'm so lonely!
I always ce_____ with my special gr___ of friends.
I celebrate with my special group of friends.