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A Lucky Find

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"It's a gold band. It's a bit crumpled, but it has some _______ writing on it", said Anne.
How did the family find out about what Kipper had done?
They found out when the news item came on the television.
What was inside the old pot?
About 30 gold coins
"This is _______", said Anne. "I'm hoping there is something interesting inside it".
The _______ expert came to talk to the boys. He was grinning.
"Oh, goodness!", exclaimed Grandpa Chen. "It might be _______".
The boys loved Grandpa's _______ cookies.
Biff and Chip were _______ a game. It was hard to tell who would win.
Later that day, it stopped _______, so Kipper opened the back door and looked out.