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Name 5 things
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 5 things you find in a fridge
Name 5 things parents tell their kids
Homework,clean their rooms, I love you, Be careful, tell the truth, be polite
Name 5 things you can eat with your hands
Name 5 things that come in pairs
Name 5 things you do before you go to bed
Brush your teeth, take a bath,read a book,put on your PJs,turn off the light
Name 5 animals you can have as pets
Name 5 things you can have for breakfast
Name 5 cold things
Snow, an ice cube, ice cream, wind, rain, frozen yogurt
Name 5 Halloween monsters
Mummies, Dracula, Frankenstein, Witches, Zombies,Werewolves,Ghosts
Name 5 things kids buy for school in September
Pens, pencils, notebooks,school bags, pencil cases
Name 5 things we can find in a bedroom
Bedside table, lamp,desk,chest of drawers, wardrobe, bed, shelves,
Name 5 things you can turn on and off
A TV, a computer, lights, a mobile phone,a car engine, a projector
Name 5 sea animals
Dolphins, sea turtles,octopuses, sharks, jellyfish
Name 5 things you can smell
Flowers, food, perfume ,soap, body lotion, oranges, melons,