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The mummy's secret II
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"Trust me, I've got a plan" means ...
Confía en mí, tengo un plan.
Do Katie and Amiris get the manuscript?
Yes, they do.
What is the golden bird doing when Katie and Amiris enter the workroom?
He is looking out of the window at the moon. He wants to be free and fly with the other birds
What is Katie and Amiris' plan to save Katie?
To steal the sacred manuscript and show it to the Paraoh .
How does the Wise Sage try to kill the Paraoh?
Putting the red potion in the Pharaoh's wine.
What does the green potion do?
With the green potion you can be strong.
What does the sacred manuscript say about the Wise Sage?
That the Wise Sage plans to kill the Pharaoh.
How does uncle Merton lose his eye?
The golden bird pecks Merton's eye while he is trying to steal the sacred manuscript
Which animal guards the sacred manuscript?
A big golden bird
What is Amiris' special ability to hunt animals?
He looks into their eyes, and they go to sleep.