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Area and Perimeter

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which has the greater area: a square with a side that measures 7 meters or a 61 2-meter by 8-meter rectangle? How much more area does that figure have?
The rectangle's area would be greater by 3 meters.
my and Zach each have 24 feet of fencing for their rectangular gardens. Amy makes her fence 6 feet long. Zach makes his fence 8 feet long. Whose garden has the greater area? How much greater?
Zach's garden area is greater by 8 ft.
Which has the greater area: a square with a side that measures 7 meters or a 61 2-meter by 8-meter rectangle? How much more area does that figure have?
Nancy made a table runner that has an area of 80 square inches. The length and width of the table runner are whole numbers. The length is 5 times greater than the width. What are the dimensions of the table runner?
length = 20 ft. width = 4 ft.
The area of a tabletop is 18 square feet. The perimeter of the same table is 18 feet. What are the dimensions of the tabletop?
3 sq. ft by 6 sq. ft.
Greg built the picture frame shown to the right. It has a perimeter of 50 2/4 inches. How wide is the picture frame?
10 in.
Find n.
10 ft.
Write and solve an equation to find the width of a room if the length of the floor is 8 feet and the area of the room is 96 square feet.
6 ft.
Find n if perimeter = 46 in.
15 in.
Find the perimeter.
22 yd
Find n if perimeter = 26 cm.
n = 4 cm