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St. Patrick's Day grammar

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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St. Patrick's Day is not ______ as Halloween. (fun)
as fun
Corned beef is ______ food ever! (delicious)
the most delicious
I ______ for this shamrock for 3 years now and I still can't find it. (look)
have been looking
If you see the Leprechaun, ______ him he needs to come to my office. (tell)
Do you think you ______ the end of a rainbow? (can/reach)
could reach/can reach
Leprechauns ______ real, are they? (be)
Can you get me some green vegetables? I ______ you back as soon as you get back, I promise! (pay)
will pay
It's the weirdest St. Patrick's Day I ______. (ever/celebrate)
have ever celebrated
I was listening to some Irish music when he ______ me! (kiss)
How much money ______ to go to Ireland? (I/need)
do I need
St. Patrick's Day ______ in many countries now, not only in Ireland. (celebrate)
is celebrated
______ green lemonade? It must be difficult! (you/ever/make)
Have you ever made
I ______ to the parade tonight. Wanna join? (go)
am going/am going to go
I ______ such beautiful shade of green before I looked into your eyes! (never/see)
had never seen
If I ______ you, I would wear that green hat tonight. (be)
I wish you ______ my green beer! It's so annoying! (not/drink)
wouldn't drink
St. Patrick ______ a Patron Saint of Ireland. (be)