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Past simple regular verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We ... the Louvre while we were in Paris.(visit)
We visited the Louvre while we were in Paris.
When I was a child, I ... fish.(hate)
When I was a child, I hated fish.
We really ... the concert. (enjoy)
We really enjoyed the concert.
Alfie ... his driving test again. (fail)
Alfie failed his driving test again.
Tell me, what ... (happen)?
Tell me, what happened?
The cat ... from the garden. (escape)
The cat escaped from the garden.
Marta and Flora ... for exam with teacher (prepare)
Marta and Flora prepared for exam with teacher ()
She ... me for long time (wait)
She waited me for long time
We ... to London in May (arrive)
We arrived to London in May
Matthew ... for new glasses (look)
Matthew looked for new glasses
Kate ... cupcakes with strawberry (bake)
Kate baked cupcakes with strawberry
They ... in an office (work)
They worked in an office
We ... film about India (watch)
We watched film about India
He ... football with classmates (play)
He played football with classmates
I ..... breakfast for my mum (cook)
I cooked breakfast for my mum