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Past Simple - QUIZ!!!!
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We ____ (get up) at 9 am last Saturday.
We got up at 9 am last Saturday.
It ____ (be) really cold last night.
It was really cold last night.
(+) Teacher Rafa / read / a book by Djamila Ribeiro this morning.
Teacher Rafa read a book by Djamila Ribeiro this morning.
(+) I / dance / with some Tik Toks coreographies / yesterday.
I danced with some Tik Toks coreographies yesterday.
(+) They / be / online / until 2 am / last night.
They were online until 2 am last night.
My friend ____ (not be) at home last Tuesday. She traveled to the beach.
My friend wasn't at home last Tuesday.
I _____ (be) so happy last weekend.
I was so happy last weekend.
We _____ (be) in Torres in our last vacation.
We were in Torres in our last vacation.
The last time I ____ (make) a cake was last month.
The last time I made a cake was last month.
I _____ (buy) a great book last night.
I bought a great book last night.
We played kahoot two classes ago.
We played kahoot two classes ago.
My mom cryed when she watched "Central do Brasil".
My mom cried when she watched "Central do Brasil".
I didn't went to my friend's house last Wednesday.
I didn't go to my friend's house last Wednesday.
(+) It / rain / a lot / last Sunday.
It rained a lot last Sunday.
(+) We / study / Simple Past / last class.
We studied Simple Past last class.
(+) Teacher Rafa / eat / sushi / last Saturday night.
Teacher Rafa ate sushi last Saturday night.
(+) Teacher Lê / drink / coffee / last week
Teacher Lê drank coffee last week.