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Inference Paragraph Game

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Brush Your Teeth- A. He didn't see her brushing them, B. Chong's toothbrush was dry, C. She told him
Catching Cold- A. He was sneezing more, B. He told her, C. His sneakers were wet
Learning a new skill- A. Brooke told her, B. She knew Ann wouldn't learn all at once, C. Ann's expression showed she was upset
Outcome- A. He can read Tim's mind, B. He knew because the student's were happy and cheering, C. He saw the scoreboard
Pizza- A. She came home at 4:00 P.M., B. She could smell the aroma of pizza, C. She noticed dirty dishes in the sink
The Laundry- A. She felt with her hand that the laundry was still warm from the dryer, B. The clean laundry was on the bed, C. The laundry was crumpled in a pile
Who's calling?- A. Maria had told him she would need a ride before she left, B. The bike in the garage with the flat tire was Maria's, C. Maria's bicycle had been stolen
Let them eat cake- A. There was a piece of cake missing, B. She looked to see who had eaten the least for dinner, C. she remembered the brown fingerprints on Jim's book
Little Rascal- A. Josh's closet door was open, B. Mike was not in his room, Mike's clothes were dirty
The Visitor- A. The note was neatly written, B. Jan recognized the handwriting, C. The note was taped to the door