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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 small city birds
Tit, bullfinch, sparrow
Name 3 blinds animals.
Mole, bat, worms
What animals come in schools?
A school of whales.
What do sea creatures use fins for?
To navigate
Name an animal with a trunk.
Name 3 extinct animals.
Dodo, dingo, sabretooth tiger etc.
What do fish use while breathing?
What do dogs wag?
Dogs wag their tail
What 3 things can an animal do with their claws?
Catch, scratch, hold
What 3 types of animals are there based on what they eat?
Carnivores, herbivores, omnivores
What insects have "fly" in their name but are not flies?
Butterfly, dragonfly
What is the difference between a turtle and tortoise?
Turtles - in water, tortoise - ground
Name 3 sounds dogs make.
They bark, they growl, they howl
What is the difference between "kitty litter" and "litter of 4 kittens"?
Kitty litter is for pooing, a litter of kittens - a group of newborn babies
How many pincers does a crayfish have?
A crayfish has 2 pincers
Is ladybird a bird?
No, it is an insect
What colour is the blackbird's beak?