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Restaurant Math
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Snow White
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Harry Potter!
Mrs. Fran had a $10.00 bill. She spent $7.89 on her meal. What is her change?
Mr. Will had a $20.00 bill. He paid for his $12.44 lunch. How much change does he have left?
Mrs. Murphy ordered a fish sandwich for $7.50 and a shake for $3.88. What was her total?
Mrs. Monica spent $8.75 on lunch. What is next dollar?
Dylan's lunch was $11.50. He has $10.00 in his wallet. Does he have enough money?
Miki's lunch was $7.98. She has $10.00 in her purse. Does she have enough money?
Regan spent $12.85 on lunch. What is next dollar?
Chris ordered a cheeseburger for $6.77 and fries for $2.08. What was his total?
Jomari ordered chicken nuggets for $4.89 and a coke for $1.29. What is his total?