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Animal Trivia

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False... Some cats are allergic to people.
What is Ms. Flinker's favorite bird?
Blackburnian Warbler
Name 2 Extinct Bird species.
Great Auk, Dodo, Moa, Passenger pigeon
Name 2 birds that can't fly.
Penguin, Ostrich, Emu, Kiwi, Moa, Dodo
What is the scientific Order for birds?
True or False... Fruit bats have bad vision and use echolocation to fly without bumping into things
True or False.... All clownfish are born male.
True or False... Sailfish can swim over 100 miles per hour.
True or False... Blue jays make hawk noises to scare other birds
True or False... Dogs see in black and white
True or False... Sea otters hold hands while sleeping
True or False... A tiger's skin is striped
What is a rhino's horn made of?
What is a baby moose called?
A calf
What is a group of frogs called?
An army
What is a group of jellyfish called?
A smack
What is the fastest animal?
(peregrine) falcon
What is the loudest mammal?
Blue whale
What is a baby goat called?
A kid
What is a group of geese called?
A gaggle
What type of jellyfish can't sting?
Golden jelly
What type of jellyfish is the most deadly?
Box Jelly
Who is this?
Jane Goodall