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My native town Kaunas
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What statue is located in the Unity square?
The Statue of Liberty
How else is Kaunas City Hall called?
The White Swan
What is the name of the most famous composer and painter whose museum is located in Kaunas?
How else is A.Žmuidzinavičius museum called?
Devils‘ museum
How many funiculars are there in Kaunas?
Where is Kaunas International Airport located?
What is the person's name who set himself on fire close to Kaunas State Musical Theatre in 1972?
Romas Kalanta
Who is one of the founders of the Kaunas Botanical Garden?
Tadas Ivanauskas
How is the bridge connecting the Old Town with Aleksotas called?
Vytautas the Great bridge
How many bridges and viaducts are there in Kaunas?
What monument stands next to Kaunas municipality?
Vytautas the Great
Who is the mayor of Kaunas ?
Visvaldas Matijošaitis
What two rivers is Kaunas located at?
The Nemunas and the Nėris.
How was Kaunas called during the interwar period (1920 -1939)?
The temporary capital of Lithuania.
What animal is the original heraldic symbol of Kaunas?
The aurochs.
What is the origin of the city‘s name?
A person's name Kunas.
When was Kaunas first mentioned?
In 1361