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First conditional & future time clauses - B1.2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If Sally doesn’t come soon…
(how good was it?)
I’ll probably go shopping after…
(how good was it?)
Give him my phone number if…
(how good was it?)
They’ll lend us the money as soon as…
(how good was it?)
You won’t pass that exam unless…
(how good was it?)
We’ll look at other hotels before…
(how good was it?)
If we don’t hurry…
(how good was it?)
After we choose where to go on holiday…
(how good was it?)
If you don’t pick me up after class…
(how good was it?)
As soon as I get home this evening…
(how good was it?)
I won’t buy a new laptop unless…
(how good was it?)
Tell her to send me an email when…
(how good was it?)
After we have dinner…
(how good was it?)
If you don’t stop looking at your phone…
(how good was it?)
I’ll ring her as soon as…
(how good was it?)
Unless you work really hard…
(how good was it?)
I’ll be at work until…
(how good was it?)
Send me a text when…
(how good was it?)
After he gets here…
(how good was it?)
He won’t get that job if…
(how good was it?)
As soon as you finish your coffee…
(how good was it?)
Unless they get here quickly…
(how good was it?)
If I see Mark…
(how good was it?)
You’ll never get better at football unless…
(how good was it?)
When I finish this course…
(how good was it?)
I won’t move house until…
(how good was it?)