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Utah: The Beehive State

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"There are mountains, canyons, and valleys here". What region is this?
The Colorado Plataeu
What region of Utah is this?
The Colorado Plataeu
What region of Utah is this?
The Great Basin or Basin and Range
What region of Utah is this?
Rocky Mountain
The "spot" where Utah's corner touches Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico
The Four Corners
What was the man from Nepal applying for on the show we just watched?
Citizenship in the United States.
Geography and Landforms: Name one state the Utah's touches...
Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Nevada, and Wyoming
What is Utah's nick name?
The Beehive state?
How did Utah get it's name?
The Spanish name for the Ute native american tribe, the Yuta.
What is the state animal of Utah?
The Rocky Mountain Elk
What is the State flower of Utah?
The Sego Lily
What is the State Capital of Utah?
Salt Lake City
What year did Utah become part of the United states?
In 1821, _____________ won it's freedom from Spain. It took over parts of Utah.
Explorers reached this land of Utah around ___________.
Name one of the 5 tribes of Utah
Navajo, Goshute, Ute, Paiute, and Shoshone
Paleo-indians used to hunt ________________!
How many years have people lived in Utah?
12,000 years!