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pwa reading comprehension unit 3 grammar book

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What Does doctor say?
She says he has got altitude sickness
Why Does tour guide take Paul to hospital?
Because he falls and hits his head on a rock
What is it?
Why Does Paul feel worse the day after?
Because he forgets to drink water
How Does Paul feel after hiking?
He feels worse
What Do Paul and his Mum do in the hotel?
They watch a movie
What does Paul drink at the market?
they drink tea
What places do Paul and Kim visit together?
They cycle around the historic centre
Why doesn't Paul tell his parents how he feels?
Because he doesn't want to go back to hotel
How Does Paul feel when they arrive in Cusco?
He has a stomach ache
How do the tourists travel around the city?
Some people take a double -decker and other cycle around the city
Who is Jose?
Jose is a guide
When Do the Wards arrive in Cusco ?
On Monday morning