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Please translate: this is black monkey.
zheshi zongse de houzi.
Please translate: This is not rabbit
zhe bushi tuzi.
What is 哥哥的牛?
Big brother's cow
What is 妹妹的龙?
little sister's dragon
What does "zheshi gegede she" mean?
This is big brother's snake.
What does "zhe shi chengsede laohu" mean?
This is orange tiger.
What does "zhe shi wode ji" mean?
This is my chicken.
Please translate: This is grandpa's pig.
zhe shi yeyede zhu.
What animal is é¾™?
What animal is ç‹—?
Please translate: This is yellow bird.
zhe shi huangse de niao.
Please translate: This is dad's cat.
zhe shi babade mao.