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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We ___________ swimming while you ___________ playing volleyball.
We were swimming while you were playing volleyball.
I ___________ working as a teacher when I first met your mother.
I was working as a teacher when I first met your mother.
It ___________ raining last night, so I took my umbrella
It was raining last night, so I took my umbrella
A: ___________ you listening to the teacher? B: Yes, I ___________.
A: Were you listening to the teacher? B: Yes, I was.
The car engine ___________ working, so I had to fix it.
The car engine wasn't working, so I had to fix it.
A: What ___________ you doing at one o’clock? B: I ___________ sleeping.
A: What were you doing at one o’clock? B: I was sleeping.
While he ___________ cleaning the house, we ___________ cooking.
While he was cleaning the house, we were cooking.
My classmate and I ___________ studying together at the library.
My classmate and I were studying together at the library.
I ___________ walking home when I saw the car accident.
I was walking home when I saw the car accident.
A: ___________ you talking on the phone a few minutes ago? B: No, I __________.
A: Were you talking on the phone a few minutes ago? B: No, I wasn't.
We ___________ eating lunch in the cafeteria at noon.
We were eating lunch in the cafeteria at noon.