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American English File 4 The passive all forms

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Change to passive voice: 'The police believe he has left the country.'
He is believed to have left the country.
Change to passive voice: 'People say that the man is in his 40s.'
The man is said to be in his 40s.
Change to passive voice: 'People think that the mayor will resign.'
It is thought that the mayor will resign.
Change to passive voice: 'They say that the fire was started deliberately.'
It is said thar the fire was started deliberately.
We need to _________ the broken window repaired.
Have you ever ______ your car ___________ (vandalize)?
had / vandalized
We had our passports _________ (steal) from our hotel room.
I just ______ my bank account hacked.
The purse ______ ____________ (discover) by a dog-walker.
was discovered / has been discovered
People think that he was blackmailed _______ his ex-wife.
People used _____ _______ imprisoned for stealing bread.
to be
We saw that one of the windows had _____ ________ (break).
been broken
Jim ______ arrested last month.
The trial ____ ________ held this week.
is being