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Comparatives and Superlatives

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My sister ....... (tall) me.
is taller than
popular / the / Fortnite / most / game / is / .
Fortnite is the most popular game.
Turtles ..... (slow) rabbits.
are slower than
This ....... (interesting) book I have.
is the most interesting
Cats ...... (playful) lizards.
are more playful
penguins / longer / Emperor / have / to / food / a / find / journey / .
Emperor penguins have a longer journey to find food.
.........? Russia is the largest country in the world.
What is the largest country in the world?
think / intelligent / are / dolphins / more / than / I / sharks / .
I think dolphins are more intelligent than sharks.
zebras / taller / giraffes / than / are / .
Giraffes are taller than zebras.
The Bible ....... (popular) book in the world.
is the most popular
are / trains / faster / than / airplanes /.
Airplanes are faster than trains.
.........? Lizards are worse pets than fish.
Which are worse pets, lizards or fish?
red / are / the / shoes / bigger / blue / than / ones / the / .
The red/blue shoes are bigger than the blue/red ones.
........? Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth.
What is the coldest place on Earth?
What is the smallest country in the world?
Vatican is the smallest country in the world.
........? Cats are cleaner than dogs.
Which are cleaner, cats or dogs?
is / most / that / dress / beautiful / I / the / have / .
That is the most beautiful dress I have.
are / most / the / mosquitoes / dangerous / insects / .
Mosquitoes are the most dangerous insects.
hamsters / than / cuter / guinea pigs / are / .
Hamsters / guinea pigs are cuter than guinea pigs / hamsters.
...........? Water is the most important liquid in the world.
What is the most important liquid in the world?
..........? I think snakes are scarier than spiders.
Which are scarier, snakes or spiders?
Dogs ....... (friendly) rabbits.
are friendlier than
The elephant ......... (big) terrestrial animal.
is the biggest
This car ............ (expensive) that car.
is more expensive than