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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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opposite of tall?
opposite of expensive?
a day or period of celebration,
a festival
who/what/ where/ why/ how/when what types of words?
Wh- questions
all the objects that have been used to cook, serve, and eat a meal.
a vacuum cleaner
a hoover
a tall cupboard or cabinet in which you can hang your clothes.
a job or piece of work that is often boring or unpleasant but needs to be done regularly at home
a length or square of fabric worn around the neck or head.
a scarf
shoes having heels that are raised high off the ground
high-heeled shoes
a piece of jewellery worn around the neck, such as a chain or a string of decorative stones
a necklace
a long narrow piece of cloth worn around the neck under the collar of a shirt. It is tied with a knot. Men wear it
a tie
small bag for money, keys, make-up, etc., carried especially by women
a handbag
a strip of leather or material worn around the waist to support clothes or for decoration
a belt
a uniform or an uniform
an uniform
a hour or an hour
an hour
a large, round vegetable with hard, yellow or orange flesh ( we usually carve it on Halloween)
a pumpkin
a long, green-skinned fruit with watery flesh, usually eaten raw in salads or pickled.
a cucumber
a plant with large, green leaves, eaten uncooked in salads
a large, round vegetable that is green or red and can be eaten cooked or fresh ( its leafy and we make a salad out of it)
a cabbage
a small, round fruit with a thin, smooth, red, purple, or yellow skin, sweet, soft flesh
a plum
a long, white vegetable with green leaves on top that tastes and smells like an onion
the purple egg-shaped fruit, which is eaten as a vegetable.
a large, round, white vegetable that is eaten cooked or uncooked