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A2 Com.Cl.11- Correct the mistake

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I can't imagine my life without drink a cup of coffee in the morning
I can't imagine my life without DRINKING a cup of coffee in the morning
Good news, we're going in sea cruise this year!
Good news, we're going ON A sea cruise this year!
Many people want go to holidays in Spain.
Many people want go ON holidays TO Spain.
My colleague always keeps to complain about her family
My colleague always keeps COMPLAINING about her family
Did you go to a walk at the weekend?
Did you go FOR a walk at the weekend?
You can't to come late at work. Our boss does very strict.
You can't ("to" is removed) come late at work. Our boss IS very strict.
This dress is fit you. You should buy it.
This dress FITS you. You should buy it.
I'd like to complain for the camera I've ordered on your web-site
I'd like to complain ABOUT the camera I've ordered on your web-site
I hate messengers, I prefer face-with-face conversations
I hate messengers, I prefer face-TO-face conversations
To summarize up, I want to say that doing yoga 3 times per week helps people feel better.
To SUM up, I want to say that doing yoga 3 times per week helps people feel better.
Mike really into skiing. He goes to the Alps every winter
Mike IS really into skiing. He goes to the Alps every winter
We sometimes go to shopping together
We sometimes go ("to" is removed) shopping together